Recently I got myself a new computer. I bought it as components because
it was cheaper and I've been telling people that I assembled it myself. However,
I can no longer live this lie. I must now reveal ...
First, I used my pretend palm pilot to explain to R2D2 what kind of computer I needed.
Then R2 rallied the troops!
When UPS finally delivered my components I didn't even bother unpacking them myself.
Of course, it wasn't all work.
And there were problems along the way.
Eventually the big brown UPS truck showed up and delivered my motherboard
with it's shiny new Athlon processor. Not all were equally impressed.
Some people just can't be serious about anything.
I always say that you can never have too much RAM!
Of course, not everyone agrees with me.
Finally the motherboard was ready and attention could be turned to the case itself.
About halfway through the assembly we had some unexpected visitors.
Not long after the visitors got bored and wandered off allowing construction to continue.
At last, it was complete!